
As you know, I tend to agree with the view that the issues are not
gender-based, but the reality is that gender does play a role, even if it
only played that role in the minds of women.  Case in point being the woman
who likened it to going to a gym, and being more comfortable with a female
personal trainer than a male one.

And I related a similar story at the last BOF from recent personal
experience having abosolutely nothing to do with gender, but having to do
with comfort in situations where one is not a member of the ... prevailing
group, shall we say.

In both cases, the discomfort may be entirely in the mind of the individual,
with no basis in reality, but that does in no way effect its reality.

And, unfortunately, situations have arisen lately that point to a need for
people to be more aware of how they effect those around them, and how to
deal with situations.

What would you say to a committee, of which women@ would be a component, to
improve and encourage a diverse and healthy ASF community, ensuring that
everyone who wants to work on an ASF project or otherwise participate within
the ASF feels able and welcomed to do so?  Would that work for you?

        --- Noel

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