Free as in speech: please take my survey! Free as in beer: I might buy you one!

I'm conducting a survey titled "What ASF Committers Think About Corporate Participation", and I'd love any and all ASF contributors to participate.
Just follow this SurveyMonkey link below in the week:

All aggregate and de-identified survey results will be published on my website under the Apache License. Saving your name in the survey data is optional.

Why am I doing this?

My very personal reason is that I will use data from this in a work paper I'm presenting at an upcoming conference inside of IBM. Survey data is public, as noted above; the final paper will likely be confidential, since I will need to tailor it for my audience.

My bigger picture reason is that there's still plenty of room for education in the corporate world about how for-profits can participate in FOSS/FLOSS communities like the ASF in a positive way for the community. Hopefully this will be one small step forward in that direction.

NOTE: that I am *not* attempting to skew results; any apparent biases are merely a result of my lack of survey question copyediting skills. I want your honest opinions!

- Shane

P.S. you have to take the survey to find out how to get the free beer. Some conditions apply; only the first 50 *in-person* claimants are eligible. While I hope many committers will take the time to give honest opinions on this survey, I'm suddenly realizing that if I get a big response, I'm going to be out a lot of personal beer money...

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