here's the text I came up with.  Edits/feedback before I resend this
to community, members and jobs @a.o?


Second call, please read...

Frazier, Stone Circle's website producer, is seeking a Ruby on Rails developer
with [NO] Adobe Flash experience.  The developer will be building new sites
for ApacheCon based on an existing backend framework, without the flash that
so many hollered about, but building a site with more 'geek' sensibility.

The shopping cart and other conference backends are finished, but the
front-facing site must be redone without flash, tied to their custom
content management system backend.  Site contents are XML driven, strong
XML-fu is required.  Within those constraints, they seek a solution-driven
consultant to bring these customer-facing sites to production.

This is a *Paid* gig, if you want to help ApacheCon grow, support a really
dedicated production company, deploy the producers' designs with your own
input, flex your Ruby on Rails fu, and make coin in the process, please
contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] - the ApacheCon US site work starts yesterday
and this has the potential to be a long term gig with two more years worth
of shows already contracted for.



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