
I'm looking for information from projects that are using OpenJPA. I'm giving a talk in two weeks and I'd appreciate anything you would want to share. I'd also like to open a more extended dialog to get more feedback if you're open to it.

Any kind of feedback would be useful, and if you don't have anything specific, here are some questions to start with:

Why are you using an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for your project?

Do you need to support different relational databases (e.g. Derby, MySQL, PostgreSQL)? Can you be specific as to the databases you need to support?

Roughly how many tables are in your database schema?

About how many different database queries do you use in the project? Do you need to generate dynamic queries?

What alternatives did you investigate? Writing your own JDBC framework? Writing your own ORM layer? Using another Apache project (e.g. ibatis, Cayenne)? Using another open source project (e.g. Hibernate, TopLink)?

Why did you choose OpenJPA over the alternatives?

Are there missing features that you'd like to see in OpenJPA?

Any advice to other projects with object persistence or ORM requirements?

Any advice for the OpenJPA project?

I appreciate any and all information you can share.



Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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