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----- Forwarded message from Roberto Di Cosmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
    Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 16:36:53 +0100
    From: Roberto Di Cosmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Roberto Di Cosmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: [Masterlibre-list] Call for participation: track on OS
Curriculum in
IT Higher Education at the OWF

Dear collegues,
     here is the call for participation to the track on
OS Curriculum in IT Higher Education that will take place
at the Open World Forum 2008 in Paris, December 1st.

You can see some of the preliminary work online at
http://oscurr.v2.cs.unibo.it/ and you are very welcome
to participate and contribute.

--Roberto Di Cosmo

PPS                      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universite Paris VII     WWW  : http://www.dicosmo.org
Case 7014                Tel  : ++33-(0)1-44 27 86 55
2, place Jussieu         Fax  : ++33-(0)1-44 27 86 54
F-75251 Paris Cedex 05

 *                Call for Participation                     *
 *      Open World Forum 2008 - Track on Higher Education    *
 * Towards a Free and Open Source Curriculum for IT students *
 *              December 1st, 2008, Paris, France            *
 *            http://www.openworldforum.org/en/program/      *

Software development and deployment has evolved tremendously over the
last two decades. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is going
mainstream. The industry is asking for an increasing number of
well-trained professionals that are able to install, exploit,
maintain, develop and create sophisticated software artifacts, in
particular coming from the FOSS world, and that furthermore bring in
knowledge about legal, economic and management issues.

Academia is called to contribute now to satisfy this demand by
developing a curriculum specifically taking into account the changes
that FOSS has brought to the software ecosystem, and by incorporating
FOSS into the early stages of the traditional IT curriculum.

This special track at OWF will present some of the currently existing
FOSS-oriented diplomas from all over the world. The goal is to
consolidate and structure our experiences and ideas into a common set
of curriculum guidelines, and to issue recommendations for its


14.00-14.30 Opening. Roberto Di Cosmo, University Paris Diderot Paris 7

14.30-16.30 Highlights from experiences around the world

 - A Brazilian Viewpoint. Fabio Kon, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
 - Teaching FOSS Electives in Indian Engineering Schools. C N Krishnan,
   NRCFOSS, India
 - The Pisa master in FOSS management. Susanna Pelagatti, University of
   Pisa, Italy
 - The Bologna master in FOSS technology. Renzo Davoli, University of
   Bologna, Italy
 - The Master on Open Source. Cyril Fonlupt, Université du Littoral, France
 - The EOF Experience. Olivier Ricou, EPITA, France

16.30-18.30 Discussion and networking on the FOSS curriculum guidelines

The sessions will be chaired by Jesus Barahona(Univ. RJC Madrid),
Emmanuel Chailloux (Univ. Paris 6), Renzo Davoli (Univ Bologna),
Roberto Di Cosmo (Univ. Paris 7) and Olivier Ricou (EPITA).


Participation is free of charge. Please register for the HIGHER EDUCATION
track at http://www.openworldforum.org/en/register/

You are also encouraged to register for, and attend the panels in the
track in the morning, where a presentation of the goals of a FOSS Curriculum
will be made in a plenary session of the OWF event.

Masterlibre-list mailing list

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