the documentation revisions seem just about ready now. has been substantially
revised and new pages add at and i think most of the
content needed is now ready though i'm sure more improvements will continue.

i would like to road test the instructions and documentation by starting
small and then rolling out to bigger groups. so, i'd like to ask for
early adopters to volunteer now to follow the appropriate set of
instructions. next will be members then all committers.

we really need all committers to have done this before the keysigning at
ApacheConUS so i think we need to get this moving now.

i've attached a first draft of the instructional mail below

feedback, please :-)

and volunteers :-)

- robert

Recent research has revealed weaknesses in SHA-1, and thus in the DSA
and 1024 bit RSA OpenPGP keys which must use this algorithm. Though no
realistic attacks have been made public, experience with similar
weaknesses in MD5 suggests that further advances may well lead to
practical attacks within the next few years. This accords with current
NIST guidance on DSA.

The future impact of this weakness on Apache can be mitigated by action
 now. What needs to be done is a little involved. So, complete
instructions have been prepared. Please read and follow them.

 * Committers with a DSA key or an RSA key of length less than 2048 bits
should generate a new key for signing releases. The original key does
not need to be revoked yet. Follow the instructions at
 * Committers with RSA keys of length 2048 or more do not need
to generate a new key yet. They should reconfigure their client
to avoid the weakness by following the instructions at and wait for the next
major OpenPGP revision.
 * Revised instructions for committers when they need to generate their
first key are available at

For more details, see the revised release signing FAQ

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