Shane, thanks for this. No time to read it right now. But I will, I promise.

However, if you would add this directly to the comdev site I have no
objection. Your writing is always good and we can tweak it from there.


On 7 October 2011 17:36, Shane Curcuru <> wrote:
> See:
> I think I've finally realized that the parts of my brain that are good at
> explaining things, and the parts that are good at organizing things are
> completely separate.  Trying to wait until I have both of them available and
> awake at the same time is a recipe for not doing anything.
> I hope to write a set of essays explaining Apache governance, explaining to
> the world how we really work.  I'm simply going to write them however my
> muse takes me and blog it.
> I hope folks here will find the content worthwhile, and will help find a
> home for it (edited as needed) under community.a.o or /dev or whatever other
> official place is the best spot for it!
> - Shane
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