On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 1:17 AM, Thilo Goetz <twgo...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Sébastien,
> On 30/07/12 08:16, Sébastien Brisard wrote:
> > Hi Thilo,
> >
> > I'm a committer to the Apache-Commons Math project. I crossed the
> > message you've posted recently on the community ML, regarding
> > automatic code generation. I would be very interested by such a tool,
> > with no particular restriction on the license (as this would be for
> > personal use). I was unaware of codemodel. I had a look to the API, it
> > seems to fulfill my needs. However, before I start using it, I would
> > like to have your advice. Would you recommend this library? Is there
> > any other good alternative you would also recommend?
> I haven't looked at codemodel in any detail since for me, the
> license is a requirement.  So I knew right away that codemodel
> wouldn't work for me.  All I can say is that unfortunately, it
> is the only OS library I found that has such a nice API and is
> independent of any particular modeling approach.  If you don't
> mind dragging in EMF, or if your project needs to run in Eclipse
> anyway, you can look at the tools that come with or at least
> run in Eclipse.  Again, that was not an option for me.
> Not sure that helped, but that's all I have.  I'm currently
> thinking of doing my own library, based roughly on the codemodel
> approach.  If it ever gets to a stage where it is generally
> useful, Apache Commons might be a good home for it.  We'll see.
> --Thilo
> >
> > I would be grateful for any hint you could give me on this topic.
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your time!
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Sébastien
> >
> >>
> >> As part of my project, I would like to generate Java source code.
> >> I'm looking for a library like codemodel, which is part of JAXB
> >> (http://codemodel.java.net/), except that it shouldn't be GPLed.
> >> I'm not interested in anything that uses string templates, so
> >> please don't point me at any templating engines.
> >>

Have you looked into Xtext/Xtend from Eclipse, they allow you to define
models and create templates that can be used to generate java (or not)
artifacts from that.

[1] http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/

Luciano Resende

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