Serg wrote:

> The Calypso chip in GTM900 is D751949ZHH,

It is actually D751749ZHH, same as in Mot C1xx phones - you got one
digit wrong.

> which is also HERCROM400 series.

HERCROM400G2 is the official name, Calypso is the informal nickname
which everyone uses.  The 751749 version is Calypso Lite: the full
Calypso has 512 KiB of internal RAM (IRAM), Calypso Lite has 256 KiB.
There are no other differences.

> The FCDEV3B chip is marked as PD75xx, do we know what is the difference
> between that and D75xx ?

Are you talking about the letter 'P' in the beginning, before the 'D'?
I am not exactly privy to the details of TI's part numbering scheme
for "secret" parts, so I don't know if the PD75xx form or the shorter
D75xx form should be regarded as the "true and correct" part number.
In terms of the markings engraved on the parts, it appears that the
parts from earlier years were marked as PD75xx, whereas in the later
batches the initial 'P' was dropped from the marking.  All Calypso
parts with RoHS balls which I have seen so far (whatever die version)
have markings beginning with D75 (no 'P') and ending in ZHH, which is
the suffix indicating RoHS balls.  For my FCDEV3B production runs I
currently use PD751992AGHH parts (SnPb balls) which I bought back in
2013, and they do have markings with the 'P' included.

In any case, only the 751992A part refers to the die version (full
Calypso with 512 KiB of IRAM, latest DSP ROM version 3606), the GHH
vs. ZHH suffix at the end indicates SnPb or RoHS balls, and I have
every reason to assume that the initial 'PD' or just 'D' carries no

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