
On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 19:37, Robert Michel wrote:
> So what would be the sence in hacking a THC windows mobile?

More devices supported by OpenMoko. It is always good to have the
choice. That's why I love GNU/Linux.

> In the same way that I complain that Motorola is only using 
> GNU/Linux without supporting the community to develope for this
> phones

Yes, that's bad. But stopping our efforts on get it running smooth
wouldn't make it better.

> Starting to early to hack it everywhere could demage the sucess of FIC,
> and so the dream of real open Linux smartphones.

Sorry, but I think you are wrong here. If FIC produce good devices
with perfect software they will have success.
> I'm shure the next Neos would have Wi-Fi and a camera - as more sucessfull 
> OpenMoko/Neo1973 will be as faster this version will be there!

They can't produce the hardware faster only because we buy more of the
first version. :)

> So hacking OpenMoko solutions to a HTC device would be a cool hack,
> but *not* smart it would *not* power up OpenMoko - it would weaken 
> OpenMoko/FIC
> and delay or risk a next Neo version with Wi-Fi and camera.

FIC does a smart job here. I _really_ like what they do and will
support their work.

But we should not be blind in other directions. OpenMoko will be under
GPL. Everybody can use and modify it. That's the spirit.

I looking forward to OpenMoko on EZX, HTC and even the closed
Greenphone. ;)

Stefan Schmidt

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