Presumably there will be no compatibility with Mac OS X (incl.
Address Book, iCal, iPhoto, iSync, dotMac email) when the Neo1973
ships, but is such support in the works at all?

Address Book, iCal, iPhoto, etc all hook into OS X's SyncServices framework through native API goodness. iSync then is in charge of syncing with the
whole host of other devices, which it does with SyncML.

They're working with Funambol for the SyncML client on the phone, so it should be *really* easy to write the proper iSync device description doohicky (I think it's an XML file somewhere, I remember having to hack one to get my N80
working with it),

Such a thing would be greatly appreciated, especially if it has a tiny neo icon :)

Yes, I recently modified the XML file of iSync () to handle the Siemens SK65 properly. Was just changing 2 or 3 lines. I have not modified the icon but that would only have been another one plus providing a TIFF image file.

Here is a description: story=20050502120104339

The QuantumSTEP approach is different - by providing its own SyncServices.framework and a special sync application it will sync all data types supported on a Mac - and is not limited by/to SyncML.


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