Bah, forgot to reply all.

I think that's an excellent idea actually... A website where you can log into, set up preferences about the packages you have installed and build an image based on that.

Is that ability already in existence? I mean, I am sure ipkg has the ability to update all of your currently installed packages, but it doesn't build an image for you to clean install on your system.. Right? Or am I out of touch again (it happens often I think lol). Or would anything be gained by clean installing a new image on your device? Is there anything which can't be upgraded or installed by ipkg?

On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 22:59, Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
I have a suggestion: a do-it-yourself main distribution packaging site
from FIC, where you can choose selected alternative components, and
receive as a result your own personalized 64MB.

Then, naturally, I will have to see if it is acceptable for me not to
use all those applications that require those scripting languages for
which there is no space on my main memory.


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