Dnia wtorek, 23 stycznia 2007 17:41, Duncan Hudson napisał:

> The vehicle in question is a Range Rover HSE.  The car isn't mine, it's
> a company car.  The phone in question is one of the phones that I have
> to support so logically the fact that they won't connect is my problem!
>   My thinking was, get the OpenMoko to connect, move the user to it,
> and be done with this headache!

1. Get any Linux powered device into car system range.
2. Run 'hcitool scan'
3. Identify line which match car system.
4. Run 'sdptool browse ADDRESS_OF_CAR_SYSTEM|grep "Service Name"'
5. Send us output

My sony Ericsson k750i phone reports:

Service Name: Dial-up Networking
Service Name: Serial Port
Service Name: HF Voice Gateway
Service Name: HS Voice Gateway
Service Name: OBEX Object Push
Service Name: OBEX File Transfer
Service Name: OBEX SyncML Client
Service Name: OBEX IrMC Sync Server
Service Name: Mouse & Keyboard

Quite a lot :D

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