ha ha, I did mean to send it to the list... thanks!

On 1/26/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Salve Jeff!

Was it your intention to answer me private and not to the list, too?

Don't get me to seriously, my English is not perfect,
so I'm not good in making jokes in English :))

your english was good enough for me to get the joke, I was just trying to
take it a little further(maybe too far) :-)
no worries

On 1/25/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >and the vibra allows to give some feedback to the user
> >by using the touchscreen and diffrent vibra would help
> >to use it for navigation while it is in the pocket
> >
> >like:
> >wrrrr wwrrrr      wwrrrrr wrrrrrr (turn right)
> >wrr wrr wrrr      wrrr wrrr wrrr  (turn left)
> >wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (turn back)

> and wr wr wr wr wr wr wr wr wr  means you're driving into a river/off a
> cliff!!
> seriously though, it'd have to be a heck of a motor for me to feel it
> driving, but I really like the concept... it's hard to hear instructions
> with the top down on the freeway

Let me allow to kidding you - you are in the US, right?

yeah, it's the jeep thing that gives it away, huh?

Outside of the US people could thing to use a navigation
even without a car, just while walking...
SCNR - real sorry... :)))))

don't be sorry... I'd rather know when I make a fool of myself, so that I
can stop, or at least learn from it... and I'd only kind of thought about
using it for walking... you'd have to make sure wherever you put it wasn't
in loose clothes, and most of the time when I'm walking I either have enough
time to wander and take in everything as well as find where I'm going... or
I know right where I'm going so it wouldn't matter (if you've always got a
gps, how are you supposed to get lost and find cool things?)

the other thing I was thinking of, is what about mounting this to the
handlebars of my bike... if the vibration motor was strong enough, I could
navigate longer courses without taking my eyes off the road

Walking cross a city with a navigation -
I know somebody who loves to hold it in his hand to try to attrack
laydies.... but I would prefer to have it hidden in my pocket.

> maybe colored arrows to tell you which way to turn (green=right red=left
> intensity tells you how far to go) that way you can glance to see the
nono, it was just additional use, not the general way of navigaion...

The funny thing of AGPS compard than with normal GPS receiver, it
will working even in your pocket - that was my intention to stress
> >to use it for navigation while it is in the pocket

or it should work inside malls too, I can't tell you how many time's I've
gotten lost in even smaller ones... and a busy crowded mall isn't my idea of
a place to get lost in(if you live in a country without these monstrosities,
count your blessings) if we could map out the stores, or at least their
entrances, I could get in, get my stuff and get out so much faster.

also, for the devs, how is the screen in the sun? does it fade much?

I hope not to much...


Thanks for the tip, I'm forwarding it on to everyone now!

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