>As you point out, with Apple taking BSD software and 'competing
>against BSD', the market share for vanilla BSD is reduced. You can't
>however know whether in the medium-long term this is an 'overall good'
>which sped up Freedom through other interactions in the future or an
>overall bad. Apple geeks may migrate more easily to vanilla BSD
>because they are exposed to the standard terminal, and are frustrated
>at the limitations they find.

More importantly (and very relevantly to this list) you can't compete for 
consumers on a basis of "Not as good, but _more free_." If completely open 
phones are going to achieve any sort of dominance, then the same kind of work 
will have to go into project to support the capabilities that consumers want.

More likely, this will prompt other phone manufacturers to try to find ways to 
compete with the iPhone in as reasonable a time as possible. Some of those ways 
will likely be based on Linux, and will likely wind up being a mix of 
proprietary and open source software, but the net outcome will be that there 
will be a larger amount of more capable open source software available in the 
product space, and more open source software being used in more devices like 
the NEO.

It's pretty crazy for folks to be saying, "But...those guys are _competing_ 
with BSD!" Of course they are, that's what they _do_. And to compete back, BSD 
would have to get better. But "BSD" doesn't have goals of this sort: someone 
would have to take the initiative to make it happen. Wishing won't make it so, 
and somehow keeping Apple from doing it on their own won't either.

But the suggestion that Apple's doing something wrong or something they 
shouldn't do by competing sounds...well, kind of like the stuff Microsoft likes 
to say about Linux, y' know?

"He who sets out to slay monsters must be careful that he does not become a 
monster himself in the process."--Friedrich Nietzsche
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