It's very pleasant to see this fireworks of ideas.

can i add my feeling about usability of this device :

think about impaired people.... like blind people:

it will be very nice to help them to discover the virtual keyboard by for example a continuous bass sound modulated by proximity of touch. and please : each numeric key a fixed sound, why not the standard tone (or pulse?) remember the first modem you use ATDT ATDP :-)?

and an other big opportunity : in the way of a special big Grand'Ma icon to launch call to police station or an other number with a prerecorded sentence . I am Mrs GrandMa and i need urgently your assistance . please help me at the following place... and the gps coordinate.... with the microphone open so the evalutaion of situation is very fast.

Isnt it great?

You can save a lot of lifes. The next personal Argos system......!!!!

Sorry for my english i read better than i write

If you need a french translator....


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