Actually, I will wait. People who drink before they are 21 are 4 times more likely to become alcoholics, plus, I get 5,000 USD +Interest if I make it til I am 21. I think I will wait. I do understand that this community drinks, but I do not feel pressured to do the same.

Thank you for complementing my first post, please note I have also mad many others and even answered a question. (http:// I do hope that I will be an asset to the project because of my age. I am very interested in technology and I am keen on what kids here in the states go crazy over. For exaple, the Apple Stores here are packed non-stop with teens. I also would love to see some kind of Push-To-Talk or Mass-Text-Messaging included in OpenMoko. I have found myself in many situations where I would like to know if any of my friends are at the mall.

I also am very good with videography and would lend my services to OpenMoko if they would pay for my plane ticket :-)

I even tried to get a discount for being the youngest on the forum. ( 003155.html) I guess that didn't work very well.


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