Richard Bennett schrieb:
On Tuesday 27 February 2007 09:07, denis wrote:
Have you ever seen Nokia (or any other company) announcing the SAME
device (just with 2-5 more features) in 6 months. I have never seen this.

Yeah. I think it is really great that they are so open about these things. At least this way everybody has a choice - either use the simulator to develop your apps, and buy the phone after the hardware upgrade (yes, after they add WIFI, motion detectors, stereo mics, multi-point touch screen and a heart-rate monitor), or if you can afford it, buy one early and upgrade later-on at a reduced price.

Any other company would just release the updated phone 2 weeks after you bought yours, and wouldn't offer a trade-in deal...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Why can't they just tell us what the features will be? Is it so difficult to be open? In my opinion it would bring much more credibility for FIC. I don't understand why it is so important to keep the things secret. At the moment I don't see much difference to a normal hardware producer. But let us wait and see if there will be some more details about v2 in the next time. I've decided to wait untill the 4-5 devices are announced and I get to know the specs.

Regards, Denis

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