Aloril napisał(a):
When phone is lost and somebody picks it up, it would first ask PIN
(...bla bla bla...)

I like the idea. I agree with Cayco, that you cannot ask police to catch the thief. But sending coords would be very interesting solution. As the GPS coords may be not very accurate I'd extend the idea to bluetooth connection which is a very short range, to point person who owns the stolen phone. The phone might change it's bluetooth device name to some special string (like "stolen NEO" :-) ) so we might detect it in a short range and point person who owns it.

Phone after detecting theft should work with thief's SIM card as usual but also send GPS coords.

Remember that if you use PIN code thief cannot use your SIM until he types right PIN. He/she should use his own SIM card.

*Bartłomiej Zdanowski*
Dział Rozwoju Produktów
AutoGuard & Insurance Sp. z o.o.

Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS: 0000029534
NIP PL1132219747
ul. Omulewska 27
04-128 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 611 69 23
www.autoguard.pl <http://www.autoguard.pl>
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title:Programista AC2
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