On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 09:44:10AM +0100, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
> Dnia pi?tek, 9 marca 2007, Elrond napisa?:
> > After talking to a few people on irc, it became obvious,
> > that the screen is really superb.
> >
> > And to cite someone from irc:
> >     "[...] you don't want to ruin that with fingerprints and
> >      scratches :-)"
> >
> > So the obvious solution are screen protectors. I'm not very
> > used to them, but I do think, they might be a good idea.
> My Phase0 phone came with screen protector applied

Nice to hear, that the phone already includes one!

> (I need to open case 
> and reapply protector to get rid of bubbles).

As I'm not that used to protectors:

Is it normal, that one has to open the case to
reapply/replace it?

> > I think three could be shipped in the box. From irc it
> > seems, they're really cheap (in volume).
> Good screen protector does not need changing. On Zaurus SL-5500 I have 
> Brando protector, on Zaurus C760 another Brando and they both looks OK 
> after few years of usage.

As Gabriel Ambuehl noted, I also think, that three for
yearly replacement would come handy.


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