It just struck me that the Neo would be a nice SBC platform with basically 
zero development work on FICs part (possibly figure out what happens when you 
drop the GSM part but for some it might even be a plus to have it ;). Some 
would obviously cry about not having any Ethernet but for a spin off product 
with barely any development cost it could still make some sales ;) For 
example it could act as Bluetooth to HiFi MP3 decoder. Or when it gets WiFi, 
it even could replace those expensive and inflexible WLAN Audio to HiFi 
components. Or stick it into a box on your roof and have it act as weather 
station. For pluspoints, there's even a fully fledged development board 
available for it, already... And the board will be manufactured in mass 
production (so should be quite affordable compared to what many ARM SBC cost 
to end user) and there is already a well documented Linux stack for it that 
is making very fast progress... 

Just think about it: use the same hardware on your phone as in your next 
embedded device...

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