Yes, that is the whole problem. This would be an item in constant and
casual use in the home, with no special precautions as might be used
for knives, hot stoves or poisons, and bound to cause a curious child
to experiment with it.

On 3/25/07, Joe Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Clare Johnstone writes:
>Dear all,
>This frightens me in my role as mother, grandmother etc, i.e. a
>representative of the public to which you hope to sell this phone.
>Essentially any laser device powerful enough to be useful has no place in
>a home which may ever have children in it. (Even quite old ones).

While a laser pointer can conceivably do damage, it's nowhere near as
dangerous as a steak knife or even a ballpoint pen, and is in nothing
like the same league as a bicycle.

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