According to OSM's wiki
Step 5), it would be a copyright violation to use Google Maps in any
way to fill data into OSM.  OSM insists in their guides that you note
street names while you're traveling, since looking them up after the
fact would constitute copyright violation.


On 4/2/07, Jonathon Suggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's an interesting question.  What if you constantly logged your
position (while driving).  Then when you got back home, you could upload
all of your data back to your desktop.  Would it be legal to have a
script analyze that data, and make "suggestions" from public sources (ie
google maps, mapquest, etc) as to what roads you traveled.  Once you
verified that information it could automatically upload back into
OpenStreetMaps (OSM)?  Basically just reducing some of the time/effort
required to upload information into OSM.

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