Somehow that doesn't sound right to me. Like in the movies, when they try to
hack a computer: there is always some OVERWRITE command, that doesn't
require a password but will grand you access to all the files.

Same applies here. Why put a safety-measure in place if you plan to ignore
it anyway? ;-)

On 5/10/07, Ian Stirling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Frank Coenen wrote:
> On 5/10/07, *Aloril* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Small battery-powered USB charger:
>     I assume above should be able to charge Neo1973?
> No it won't be able to charge the Neo1973, since it doesn't identify
> itself as a USB2.0 host.
> Hence, the Neo will only draw 100mA. You need the full 500mA from USB2.0
> to charge.

Unless you apply the soon-to-be-created patch that someone (maybe me)
will write that draws 500mA anyway, if the host does not talk USB1 to us
in 10 seconds.
Maybe even with a confirmation dialog box.

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