>>>> Does this mean there will be non-open sourced parts in the stack
>>>> necessary
>>>> to use JavaFX Script?
>>> Sun has already said that JavaFX Mobile (the stuff you need for the
>>> phone) will be GPLed.
>>> So.. "no".
>> Well, this is not exactly true. Sun indeed said explicitly that
>> JavaFX-Script will be GPLd, but regarding JavaFX-Mobile, I read the
>> following :
>> "JavaFX Mobile, Sun's software system for mobile devices, is available
>> via
>> OEM license to carriers, handset manufacturers and others seeking a
>> branded relationship with consumers"
>> source : http://www.sun.com/software/javafx/index.jsp
> Of course it is, since Sun owns the Copyright, they can distribute
> non-GPL versions of the code to those who want them (and are willing to
> pay.)  MySQL does this too.
> "Sun will ship a "pre-integrated," GPL-licensable, Linux- and Java-based
> operating system software reference design for mobile phones, it
> announced at its JavaOne conference today in San Francisco. "
> "All JavaFX products will be available under the GNU GPL, Sun said."
> http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS7539760574.html

Excellent, this is very reassuring. I did some searching, but didn't find
any explicit statements regarding the whole FX stack, but this definately
answers my question.

> And you could have *AT LEAST* quoted the entire paragraph of the press
> release:  http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/pr/2007-05/sunflash.20070508.1.xml

I didn't quote the press release but the JavaFX product page. Since GPLing
the stack is a selling point (at least, from my perspective), Sun should
mention that right there. However, thanks for pointing me to the press
release. It makes the issue very clear.

> Me, I think Java is a four-letter word

yeah, it means Just Another Vague Acronym, right? :)

> Or, you could listen to/watch the webcast where Rich Green is talking
> all about how they prefer the GPL and then segues into announcing that
> Java has been open sourced (under the GPL),

being a developer, I kinda hate ambiguity. I interpreted this as 'the
VM/JDK has been open sourced'. That doesn't necessarily mean technologies
on top of that are open sourced.

> Or you could continue to FUD.  With the 20/20 hindsight of history, it
> turns out that ESR was wrong about many things, including being dead
> wrong about Sun.

well it was not my intention to spread FUD, but since this is the Openmoko
mailing list, it should be very clear what the degree of openness is.


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