David Ford wrote:
Even with tuning, FF is a dastard piggy. I've tested things with FF. Start it with no history, no recovered session. Load up digg.com and do
nothing.  Just let it sit there.  It will sit there and slowly grow and
grow and grow.  The caching isn't the problem, that's tunable.  The
problem is the memory leaks -- all the valgrind reports turned into moz
teams (and ignored).
I tried this over the weekend, creating a fresh profile for Firefox, starting it up, loading digg.com into it, and then letting it sit for a day. Memory consumption stayed constant.

I'm using the latest nightly version of Firefox 2.0 (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070513 BonEcho/ on Ubuntu Linux 6.10.


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