the GPS daemon would need to be updated to allow for kallman filtering
using those accelerometers, so that the GPS apps could continue pointing
the phones location inside tunnels and stuff

Unfortunately not. As already pointed out on that list, the
accelerometers error would add up itself.

But if it's as good as GPS for 10-15 sec it should be possible to interpolate 10 - 15 GPS measurements while on the move. Must move fast enough so the start vector can be known. But while moving so fast the accelerometers can be calibrated over time by GPS data cramming absolutely maximum accuracy from them! Maybe detect moving in and out of GPS echoes and compensate the results to.

It will also add real time info on acceleration making it easier to detect shift of line, change in speed (warn if a speed limit is up ahead).

While still or moving slowly - orientation will be lost :-( But for car navigation it will be a boost!

And for games... Think flipper with tilt :-)

Besides: Its only two accelerometers. You can do 2-dimensional
'navigating' with that, no more. No tilting/rotating.

Thats assuming each accelerometer is a single point. But if the tree axes is measured with a small offset from each other? That would give more info so thats how I guess they are built.


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