On Monday 02 July 2007 10:16, you wrote:
> This usually adds *** at least 10% ***.
> Therefore I would even prepare for 499 EUR and we all can be happy if
> it is less and not more.

Not sure how much of the named costs the distributor actually needs to do (I 
don't think he will have support on all european languages (or REAL direct 
non-mail support at all), local marketing is not really applicable to 
OpenMoko, warranty should be mostly handled by FIC, the distributor should 
have also some sort of discount, shipping is MUCH cheaper since it can be 
done in large, slow delivery batches). I don't expect people who really need 
voice tech support and such be using OpenMoko for quite some time. If the 
cost escalates to 500E or above I don't really see a point why have a 
distributor at all except for convenience of delivery time and possible 
duties legwork, ordering overseas makes much more sense in that case. 

> will subsidize the new company for years. So we should see any
> additional price tag as the price for openness and as a donation to
> keep the hardware development wheel spinning.

The question is why would that additional tag be so hefty on the distributor 
side ? If I want to donate and support somebody, I want that money to go to 
the OpenMoko team and not a logistics melting pot of the distributor - he can 
switch products and/or change brand allegiance in a day, OpenMoko cannot.

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