it could interface with google maps, or have some
custome service, as a basis we could use

On 7/4/07, Urivan Saaib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This sounds pretty cool. I've always thinking on a service that could let
anyone provide means to upload their position (without being tied to any
personal records) and be able to see through the time the evolution of the
flows of population (dynamic of fluids).

Could be amazing to see the same way we do now the wind and temperature
patterns around the globe but with people ! :)


-Urivan Flores-Saaib

==============Original message text===============
On Wed, 04 Jul 2007 1:39:13 +0100 Werner Almesberger wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering of any of the Gtk gurus hanging out here could do
me a little favour. I have this idea that's haunting me in my
sleep, but I don't have the time to implement it. It should be
really easy to do, though.

The idea is to have a GPS tracker/mapper that uses a very simple
GUI with very rapid (finger) interaction to find one's way around
some place. There are no maps. The context is provided by past
movements and/or external information sources, combined by the
user's brain.

Brief description: mockup (for 640x480):
The "current location" interface should probably be generic, e.g.,
reading <x-meters, y-meters, seconds> messages from a Unix domain
socket. We can then feed it with fake test data and/or slap on a
converter from NMEA.

I know there are similar programs around, but I don't think they
pursue this light-weight and real-time approach quite to the same

Anyone feeling like giving it a try ?

- Werner


/ Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina     [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
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