Giles Jones wrote:

On 16 Jul 2007, at 19:49, Ryan Prior wrote:

I like the tagline "Your phone, your way." The idea is that we are putting the consumer in control - this line may mean different things to a techie and non-techie, but that's okay - it ties in with the spirit of freedom.

Maybe, but then I think all the marketing is academic without the software being there and working. Good planing is needed in the development stage as well as at the point where you sell the product :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

I like the "MyPhone" and "Your Phone" ideas the best so far. Of course, "MyPhone" is already taken as a current phone product. One idea would be to leave the word "phone" off all together, since that is kind of redundant. Make the tag name be something that's defines itself, like Google did.

Regardless of the final tag name, I can see the end of the OpenMoko commercial....Sean Moss Pultz sort of off center camera with a stark white background (a la Apple commercials).....Sean answers his Neo then extends his arm with the face of the Neo filling the camera and says, "It's for you."


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