2007/7/19, Torfinn Ingolfsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> http://lists.linuxtogo.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/2007-July/002520.html

Aha. Well, the viewcvs he's talking about is here:

But the only thing I found (after a brief search) related to libbb is this:

and libbb.h in that directory is still at its first version there.
It would be much easier if he just told you which patch he means. :-/

Yes, later I found this and even I found MacOS X specific HOWTO (not
related with problem) which he mentioned.

I look over whole SVN there and did not find anything interesting.

I tried to search OE site using his nickname, his mail, his name etc
but I found nothing useful. I wrote him personnaly but he did not
respond. I'm starting to lose hope now.

I though of how to get qemu compiled under MacOS X - I try to patch it
using Q[:kju] patches but I cannot get to point of compiling qemu.

Can anybody help us?


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