I can respect that.  I understand that the Openmoko team is streached pretty
thin.  And I wish I had some skills to volunteer to build a forum, but I
can't I am more software driven and have no experiance with web
development.  Maybe someone else can do this.  I don't think opening a forum
will dilute much energy, but I can see where you are coming from.  We are
not really a big enough community to launch another communication avenue.  I
just hope that the openmoko can see how this will help support a good
customer base without much intervention on their part, hopefully.  What I
would hate to see is that when the phone is launched in 6 months that we
don't have anything waiting for those novice users and they get turned off
by the idea and it get's a bad rep from the start.

I want this project to suceed so badly.  I think this is exactly what the
communication world needs.  I think it offers the strength of linux and the
community, but bands it together around a common goal.  I think that really
emboldens linux and it's users to know that there is support for those who
are a littly weiry about trying linux.  Linux is a scary word to a lot of
people, but if you say don't worry about it we have 1000+ people ready and
willing to help with what ever you might have then I think they would be
much more willing to accept.  I think a forum would be a very easy and cost
effective way to do this.  I noticed the trouble they had with trying to
open a store front end and I am worried that if they wait to long to get a
forum up we could run into the same problem, and for a general consumer that
could spell disaster.  I am very impressed with the progress that the
openmoko team don't get me wrong I just really think that a forums is
necessary for the sucess of the neo 1973 and I am afraid that no resources
will be devoted to this.

So maybe what a solution could be is if someone can get a forum up.  And let
openmoko just route forums.openmoko.com to it.  I noticed that
openmokoforums.com has been snatched up and along with a few other domains.
I would like to see a forum sponsered by FIC/OpenMoko team.  Maybe I am jsut
blowing smoke and irritating people, but I just really really want openmoko
to be sucessful and for me I think that means forums.

On 7/20/07, Jeff Rush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mathew Davis wrote:
> And I don't understand why we can't have both.  I really don't see the
> problem so if someone could explain why not having a forum would be
> advantageous and not just personal preferance I am all ears, because I
> could list a lot of reasons why forums could be advantageous.

I appreciate your viewpoint but here are a few reasons:

1. Our community is small -- spreading the discussions thinly before we
reached critical mass will dilute the synergy.  We are just now starting
come together as a community, and I think we even have too many mailing
as it is (not always clear on which one to discuss X).

2. The OpenMoko team at FIC are spread _very_ thin and lack the
to research and establish a forum themselves.  They were overloaded just
getting a basic storefront up.  I don't understand why a company the size
FIC isn't providing more logistics support to them, so they can focus on
hardware/software but that's the way it is today.

3. Because of #2 and the fact this is the world of free/open, groups are
welcome to establish a forum someplace and announce it here.  In fact no
can stop it.  Then instead of debating it you apply the governance
of open source, in that if you build it will they come.  If so, you were
right.  If not, you were wrong.  A very objective approach.

And for those (another thread) who are looking for someone official to
them how this or that is going to be done on the device, I think we as a
community will be applying #3 above - teams will form and follow their
likely divergent) visions.  Those who (1) produce results that (2) some
significant portion of the community approve of will have their work
integrated into the core as required/optional packages.  And some fraction
those will be cherry-picked by FIC for delivery in the consumer
And perhaps other flash images will arise targeted at "the power user" and
"the gaming user" and "the multimedia user".

Being open source folks and time-constrained themselves, I rather think
the OpenMoko team will be blessing running code and not managing the
teams that form.  And that is good, because they cannot see the future
uses of
this device any better than we at this point.  Not a planned economy but a
chaotic marketplace of competing ideas, where decisions are made in the
free/opensource tradition of "running code" and "rough concensus".  Scary
sure, but also refreshing and very exciting.


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