WARNING: replies to multiple messages

Richard said:

 If they were interested in developing, they would follow the wiki as it
is the only source for finding development specs, cvs links, walkthroughs,

Some of us are waiting for hardware... don't get me wrong, you can do a lot
with an emulator, I've just been bitten more than enough times by "it worked
in sim".  I can wait patiently for the hardware to get here, then I'll
probably be much more active on the wiki

On 7/24/07, Ben Burdette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, you need to have a forum that is set up to work like a mailing
list.  No editing, threaded discussion.  Don't have a flat format.  I
don't see what's wrong with that.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Despising forums, I haven't really checked, but isn't this what gmane is
for? I think it's already been made... and discussed to death

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