On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 08:18 +0100, Justyn Butler wrote:

> Hi all,
> I contacted OpenMoko web shop about my order and quickly got a
> response saying that they would process my order within the week.
> Then just now I received my "you've been charged" email, which is
> great! 
> So if anyone else is still worrying about the status of their order, I
> strongly suggest you email the web shop and they will put your fears
> to rest.

I too emailed the web shop (and a FIC employee whom I saw popup on the
community list) and got an instant reply + quite a number of
correspondences since (and a your credit card has been charged

Go OpenMoko!

-from an eager OpenMoko junkie

> cheers,
> Justyn
> On 07/08/07, Bartlomiej Zdanowski AutoGuard Ltd.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Ian Stirling pisze:
>         > No, it's not 'sold out since yesterday'. 
>         > It's 'sold out since several weeks ago'. 
>         > They had a certain amount of phones to ship - 500 to 1000,
>         > and they knew at least when the next lot of phones could be
>         > possibly available. 
>         > They had someone working through a pile of phones, shipping
>         > them out. 
>         > It does not take a genius to work out that with 2000+
>         > orders, that they are not going to be able to meet orders. 
>         > This needs to be communicated to potential developers in a
>         > timely fashion, not once the guy sticking the labels on
>         > realises that he's out of boxes. 
>         I do agree with Ian. My ticket no was over 3500 after 4 days
>         from OpenMoko Shop opening. I belive that it has a least
>         doubled. So as soon they received over 1000 extra orders they
>         should run next batch at Factory. But we can assume that they
>         didn't. 
>         I agree that OpenMoko is very important project and we all
>         have to be patient but there are some basic market rules that
>         have to be obeyed. Some of people who are not patient enough
>         will just spend their money on iPhone or other concurrent
>         product and will leave OpenMoko. Still besides OpenMoko's
>         euphoria there's a great commercial deal for FIC which is
>         still *the only one* OpenMoko's platform manufacturer. And FIC
>         should have more respect to people who are involved in
>         OpenMoko and still interrested in buying their phone.
>         Other aspect is that the more NEO's will spread throught the
>         world the faster OpenMoko will be developed. 
>         Best regards,
>         -- 
>         Bartlomiej Zdanowski
>         Programmer
>         Product Research & Development Department
>         AutoGuard & Insurance Ltd.
>         Omulewska 27 street
>         04-128 Warsaw
>         Poland
>         phone +48 22 611 69 23
>         www.autoguard.pl
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