I don't know if this is the right place to ask this or not, I didn't think
it was a development question more of a general use question.  I got the
Openmoko_Dev VM and I ran through the makefile setup and got qemu up and
running by typing make run-qemu, it took forever but it finally booted up
into the gui.  I am at the point where it is asking me to calibrate the
screen by clicking the crosshair, but I can't click it.  Is there something
I missed.  I am completly new to Qemu and fairly new to linux although I
have some experiance with it.  So is the a conf file I need to edit to get
the mouse calibrated I have the mouse inside the emulated window but it just
won't let me click.  Any help here would be great.  If it's on the wiki I
must have missed it so you can send me the link if you like.

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