On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 12:19:55AM +0100, thus spake Giles Jones:
> It's only affecting GMail messages.

It's mostly Gmail messages that are being affected, but not entirely.
A recent non-Gmail message that was duplicated was sent by mokoNinja
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 8/16 with:

Subject: "Re: Fingerscroll, foofone and more from people.openmoko.org!"
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There have been others in the past too; I've noticed them from
starband.net, cnlohr.com, and axialys.net.  If you want more details,
see the messages I've sent to this list such as "Duplicate message
troubleshooting" on 7/24.

> Plus that RFC you quoted says recommended 30 minute retry but GMail is 
> retrying every 8 minutes.

The RFC says: "In general, the retry interval SHOULD be at least 30
minutes; however, more sophisticated and variable strategies will be
beneficial when the SMTP client can determine the reason for
non-delivery."  (Source: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2821.html section

When I look at the messages I've seen duplicated from Gmail, the first
retry is usually after 8-10 minutes but then it backs off to about
20-30 minutes for a message or two, then 1 hour or longer for the
rest.  Maybe they're trying a "more sophisticated and variable"


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