Sorry for the empty post. Heres the intended content.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Amy Stephen 
  Absolutely true! It should be skinnable. But, before that happens - these 
images are what are hitting the press. Would certainly love to see OpenMoko 
present a very sharp, bright image as others are observing, wondering if an 
open source community can really go toe-to-toe with the iPhone. I recognize in 
relative terms of importance, this is *not* critical. 

I have to agree with amy. Interface is not that jazzy yet. It looks really 
old-school. I've yet to hold moko in my hands so I can not comment on how it 
feels, but it does look a bit old in the videos.

It's sort of funny the way it seems to go: first you are really exited about 
something (like I was about the first ui's), and then it starts to look old. 
Even before I get it in my hands.

I guess that this is due to the fact that the implementation has not been up to 
speed with the photoshop drafts. And now that they are getting closer to the 
point when ui would be important, there is a release of images that do not 
contain that much of anything new.

BTW: its hard to be exited about kinetic scrolling when others have already 
done it so well. It's a 'cool' feature, must-have, in order not to pale in 

I guess that there should be something extra on the ui. It's pretty plain as it 
is. Maybe there could be animations or some other stuff that'd make the phone 
come to life? Maybe for the menus and toolbars or something like in compiz?

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