On ti, 2007-09-04 at 09:01 +0000, Giles Jones wrote:
> Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
> > Am I getting it right that while GTA01 used to contain a GPS receiver,  
> > GTA02 doesn't have one?
> I think he was referring to the fact that he works for broadcom and it
> would be easier for him to advice if it did.
> GTA01 and GTA02 have a Global locate chipset.

Sigh. Broadcom acquired Global Locate. However, for whichever reasons,
GTA02 will have a different GPS chip. On the IRC channel, I heard that
the new chip/vendor is more co-operative with free software, at least.

Have I missed something by the way and has gllin for GTA01, OpenMoko
2007.2 been released yet? Since we have a Broadcom guy here, Ken, you
know what the deal is with that?

Mikko J Rauhala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Helsinki

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