Ted Lemon wrote:

At a minimum, we need:

- It's got to actually work as a mobile phone.

that's the most important thing

- At least several hours of H.264 playback.

possibly doable but I don't believe the current hardware can handle it

- A good music app, ideally tied in to the Amazon/Universal store.

with the amount of DRM shit those morons are going to require, forget it
leave people put their own stuff on there. no silly iTunes crap

- Smart connectivity - connecting up bluetooth devices has to be easy, and sensing and connecting to known WiFi networks has to be seamless and automatic.


- Mobile Safari-like web browsing - that is, you get to see the whole web page, and you can expand and contract the image.


- Leverage the GPS to do things the iPhone doesn't do.

that should be somehow tied with openstreetmap

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