I also prefer GTK+ and have invested some time developing an application on my Neo with it. I find it very easy to develop and test on my GNOME based desktop (Ubuntu) and re-compile for the Neo. I hope OpenMoko continues down the same route.

John (putting a vote in for GTK+)

Joshua Layne wrote:
Michael Schmidt wrote:
Hi, great news, but what does this mean?
We need a posting of the projekt management, will Neo s Menue switch to QT?
This means a GTK application will not work?
Or: Any QT-Applicaiton will work now automatically?
 We need this info, for a decision, to stick to the library either a
GTK-Gui or the existing QT-Gui. To not saddle on the wrong horse..
please send a notice

Applications for Neo, should have a GTK or QT gui?

Applications for the _Neo_ can have whatever gui the developer wants to build (or as many - there are several apps that support multiple rendering environments)

Applications for _*openmoko*_ should have a GTK+-2 gui.

openmoko isn't switching to QT.

there is just now another gui available.

for myself - I much prefer GTK interfaces. and will be sticking with GTK on the Neo (when I buy)


On 9/18/07, Mauro Iazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
before someone beats me to it.




In short: Qtopia is going to be fully GPL'd (telephony applications
included, which weren't) and is being ported to Neo1973.

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