
On Friday 05 October 2007 19:45:22 Krzysiek Bielicki wrote:
> I have found a nice picture from mobileCampLondon
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/semiot/1471861932/
> Can somebody tell us what would be this TOP SECRET device?
> When we will be able to buy it?
> Will it have all the hardware advantages of GTA02? (GPS, WiFi etc.)?
> What will be new?

It is captured from a slide of the presentation of Michael Shiloh:

At minute 9:50 he tells that it isn't a secret but they didn't defined it...

> I know what "TOP SECRET" mean, but I want to know if it's worth to wait
> for
> new device when I have no money to buy both.

I somewhere heared, that the follower of the GTA02 will be a larger device. 
Therfore, the GTA02 will be my choice. Furthermore, I can't wait any 
longer :-)


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