I'd like to see a package of simply, fully working, high-quality example
applications, including tutorials on cross-compiling and linking against
different versions of the various OpenMoko libraries. It would provide an
excellent starting point for developers such as myself who want to dive in
but usually get bogged down in code that is written to do work, not to look
pretty and demonstrate the principals of how the system is put together.

Documentation is great, but if it's dense it will only benefit the more
hardcore hackers. I hope to eventually become one of those more hardcore
hackers, but I feel like I need an entry point. :-)

On 10/13/07, Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have some updates for you, and a question.
> First the updates:
> The GTA01 units that were shipped in the past two weeks have satisfied
> the back orders for GTA01. There continues to be demand for GTA01 so we
> are building some more.
> GTA02 Wifi hardware has been working for about a week, so work can
> proceed on the driver, which is currently in a pretty minimal state.
> We're very happy with the u-blox/Atmel ATR0635 GPS Receiver, and thus
> have made the decision to use this chip.
> GTA02v3, the third revision of GTA02, is still being verified and
> tested. This will take another couple of weeks, at which point we'll
> make GTA02v4.
> Now the question:
> We want to make it easier for developers to work with OpenMoko. We
> realize that many of our resources (e.g. wiki, website, development
> tools) are decidedly not user friendly at the moment and that other
> resources (e.g. documentation) are missing. I'm going to start putting a
> lot more energy into this, and I'd like to hear your thoughts in general
> and in particular what should be tackled first. You may reply either to
> the list or to me personally, as you wish.
> Sincerely,
> Michael
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