>> Hi Community
>Hi, welcome!
> When is the exact release date of GTA01Bv4? The new Neo phone
>Do you mean the GTA02? There is no announcement yet.
>And just for my curiosity: how do you define "exact release" date?
>a) the first announcement that you can order
>b) the first device did leave the production line
>c) the first real shipment has started
>d) the first owner has it in his hands?
>-- hns

He obviously meant GTA02, and just as obviously meant when it will be
possible to order. Anybody that's been following this at all knows
that there's a huge difference between "ordering" and "receiving", but
the earlier one orders, the more likely one will actually receive...

As someone who has been waiting on pins and needles for months for
this phone, I too am wondering why there has not been an announcement
of some kind, since up to now they've been saying "October" and we're
3/4 of the way through the month. If it's going to be January or
later, that's fine (and that's probably still optimistic, considering
what I've been reading on the lists), but they really should keep us
posted. It's extremely inconsiderate to keep everybody in suspense
like this.

- Wolfmane

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