On Wednesday 24 October 2007 01:25, Richard Reichenbacher wrote:
> Mark wrote:
> > Richard Reichenbacher richard5 at email.arizona.edu
> > Tue Oct 23 21:03:31 CEST 2007
> >
> >> Or perhaps you could continue searching the wiki for updated
> >> information.
> >>
> >> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GTA02
> >>
> >> Scroll down to estimated time line.
> >
> > Oh, yeah, there's a single place in the entire wiki that gives updated
> > information. It's sooooo reasonable to expect everybody to dig through
> > the entire site to find it, amid the multitude of places that still
> > say OCTOBER...
> >
> > All I'm asking for is the occasional update on the "announce" list
> > (what is that list for, anyway, if it's not for exactly this kind of
> > thing?????). There hasn't been a post to that list for a month, and
> > that was only a request for help on the Web-shop. The last "real" post
> > to that list was on August 20, more than two months ago. Do you really
> > think that's reasonable????????????????????????????????
> >
> > If this is the kind of attitude and customer service we can expect
> > after we buy the thing, I'm not so sure I'm interested anymore...

Did you buy a GTA02? No? Well, in that case, your not a customer, so quit 
bitching about 'customer service', because thats something only customers get. 
You are getting a peek into the development proccess at FIC, that not 
something you usually get with other companies and you surely can't claim 
some sort of right to be informed about this. 

If you can't handle it, unsubscribe from the community list and wait for the 
announcement telling you the thing is available, *like you would with any 
other product*. Or be happy with whatever information you may get, realizing 
it's all extra.


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