Evgeny Ginzburg wrote:
Ron Jeffries wrote:
We have beaten the 850 Mhz issue to death.
"Apple iPhone form factor and GUI is cool"
"Oh my God, Google's Gphone is the end
of civilization (and OpenMoko).

Let's shift our group energy to helping
the OpenMoko team make this a killer
open source phone + PDA product.

Remember that time to market is vital.
That means the first iteration will mainly
appeal to ROW (rest of world, outside USA),
but since we know FIC is working the 850 Mhz
issue, the US version should
arrive say 90 days later,

Focus, focus focus. We'll overcome this glitch

No more whining! <smile>
Thanks Ron
For couple of last days thouse discussions don't made my reading expirience better.
I just prefer to made all of messsages from thread redad and move on.
IMHO there lot of to do on community side.
Lets make the next move


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