Michael Shiloh wrote:

AVee wrote:
On Saturday 17 November 2007 21:09, Joshua Layne wrote:
Ted Lemon wrote:
On Sat, 2007-11-17 at 11:19 -0800, Michael Shiloh wrote:
I'd like to explore adding a head mounted display to the Neo, like the
i-glasses PC/SVGA Head Mounted Display at about $700. Would require
off-board SVGA controller, which could be prototyped with a USB SVGA
controller, assuming Linux drivers can be found.

New thread since I realized that I was guilty of hijacking the laptop replacement thread.

My suggestion regarding a head mounted display was so that the Neo could be used without taking removal from pocket, sort of the video display equivalent of the bluetooth headset. Ultimately, I'm sure we will have bluetooth head mounted displays, but we can prototype this right now with USB and start experimenting. What sort of applications make sense this way? What sort of new applications does this allow?

I'm well aware that the input side of things is not addressed yet, but I think we can explore the video side without having to wait for a solution on the input side. It will come soon enough, I'm sure. Especially once we start showing what we can do on the output side.


Seems unlikely bluetooth will ever be used for video. Insufficient bandwidth.

Ultra wideband, on the other hand, should work fine. High bandwidth, low power, but short range.

UWB chips are available. Can get it in a USB dongle. No special drivers required -- just looks like USB to the host.

But I think you would need USB 2.0 to make this work. Current Neo versions still use USB 1.1, don't they?

We need to build UWB into some future version of Neo. That would open many doors.

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