As I understand it this part of the thread has wandered OT onto the 
generalities of public disclosure and its effect on patentability. There has 
been no suggestion that anyone should knowingly try to patent somebody else's 
idea. The shake-to-pair video is credited to Rene Mayrhofer and Hans 
Gellersen at Lancaster University, and doesn't seem related to Shoogle. For 
all I know Heikki Soerum had the idea independently. 

On Monday 03 December 2007, Jeff Andros wrote:
> um, is anyone that's replied on this thread a member of the University of
> Glasgow team that developed the software(shoogle)?  I'm guessing not.  it
> has obviously already been invented, which means that disclosure arguments
> are rendered moot by prior art.  Moreover, trying to patent something that
> someone else invented is theft of intellectual property... preventing this
> is one of the reasons the GPL exists.  If you want to go forward on this,
> check with the authors(see below for contact information) they'd probably
> be delighted to have community help in developing it.
> > Authors(taken from
> ):
> John Williamson
> Dept. Computing Science
> University of Glasgow
> Glasgow G!2 8QQ, UK
> Roderick Murray-Smith
> Dept. Computing Science
> University of Glasgow
> Glasgow G!2 8QQ, UK
> and
> Hamilton Institute
> National University of Ireland
> Maynooth, Ireland
> Stephen Hughes
> Dept. Computing Science
> University of Glasgow
> Glasgow G!2 8QQ, UK
> and
> SAMH Engineering

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