On 4 Dec 2007, at 09:58, Al Johnson wrote:
 Monday 03 December 2007, Stroller wrote:
On 2 Dec 2007, at 15:42, Steven Le Roux wrote:

I _love_ the ball-bearing inbox and the way that a message from your
g/f might have a different timbre from one from your bank. That feels
VERY innovative to me, and more than compensates for the stupid name
(Shroogle? WTF?) and the dull video.

In a fair chunk of Scotland, including Glasgow where the code was written, shoogle means shake. Giving the phone a shoogle to find out if you had any
messages would make perfect sense. I say this as an englishman who
occasionally travels north of the border, so the details may be wrong :-)

Ah! I'm enlightened! They should've had a sassy Glaswegian explaining this at the beginning of the video: "Gie' it a shoogle, ken!"


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