On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 16:09:47 +0100, Krzysztof Kajkowski
> Wiadomość napisana w dniu Dec 16, 2007, o godz 3:45 PM, przez Ben:
>> I can't hold out any longer.
> I'm thinking of ipod touch (the jailbreaked one) for GTD and PDA. I'm  
> using mac as my primary computer and ipod touch seems to be a nice  
> companion to my MacBook :) Although I would wait until February when  
> the SDK for it appears if I was you.
I bought a Nokia N810 - the software is still kinda beta in some ways and a
lot of apps haven't made it over.  o-hand's 'Contacts' is what I am waiting
for most.  Haven't tried to sync anything yet - only imported vCards, so I
can't really comment on that.  It is a nice little bit of gear though.

I'm still potentially in the market for a neo too, provided the 850 MHz
band issue gets sorted, but 3G would be really nice (I know it won't happen
this round, no flames necessary).  I may choose freedom (mostly) on my
tablet with higher-speed bandwidth on a non-free phone.


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