GoXbox Live wrote:

I have made a Qtopia image for the Neo1973. The image is quite same as the ones Lorn Potter releases, but mine has added two gps applications.

I have made a couple of screenies here: http://www.linuxtogo.org/~goxboxlive/Neo1973/screenshots/RoadGPS.jpg and http://www.linuxtogo.org/~goxboxlive/Neo1973/screenshots/Roadmap-1.jpg <http://www.linuxtogo.org/~goxboxlive/Neo1973/screenshots/Roadmap-1.jpg>

To have this running you have to install gllin yourself, i cant include that because of the restrictions with distribution.

Get gllin from here: http://3rdparty.downloads.openmoko.org/gllin/ <http://3rdparty.downloads.openmoko.org/gllin/> and install it.

The image uses Ängstôm 2008 base linux system and suplied with kernel <>

How it works.

Just hit Roadmap or RoadGPS under applications. It will start gllin automaticly (remember to install it first). When you are done playing with the gps applications and to save battery remember to stop gllin from running by hitting "Kill Glin" under applications.

To get maps for Roadmap read their web site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/roadmap/

My image togehter with the kernel uImage can be downloaded from here:

http://www.linuxtogo.org/~goxboxlive/Neo1973/images/ <http://www.linuxtogo.org/~goxboxlive/Neo1973/images/>

regards gxl

It seems the alsa audio modules seems to be missing from your image.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

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